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Changzhou China Dinosaur Park

Jiangsu.NET Score
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Location: Changzhou
Address: 1 Hanjiang Road, New Area District, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213022, China
Fee: 80 Yuan/ticket for adult, 40 Yuan/ticket for 1.1 to 1.4 m children
Operation: 9:00 – 17:00 year around
Route: Bus No. 26, 302, all to the park. Taxi drivers know the park

Phone: 86-519-512 0812 or 510 7896
Email: webmaster@51766.com
Website: http://www.cnkly.com/english/index.html

Changzhou China Dinosaur Park (Oriental Jurassic Park) was opened to the public in April, 2001, and is the largest one of its kinds in China. Recognized also as the Oriental Jurassic Park, the park construction costs about $40 million and took two years to complete. It combines a science museum and a theme park and occupies a land of 60 hectares.

The park is situated in the New North District of the city and is divided into three parts: exhibition zone, entertainment area and research division.

The exhibition area is landscaped with waterfall, forest, cliff and caves and visitors will enjoy a great odyssey from the Jurassic Period when dinosaurs dominated on the Earth to the Cretaceous Period when they became extinct. Totally there are 36 skeleton fossils of dinosaurs in exhibition, including the world’s earliest, biggest and most complete hadrosaur fossil.

In the entertainment area, the park provides multiple entertainment facilities for kids and family. The park has been becoming a booming tourist center for visitors and locals.

An excellent place and a 4-AAAA tourist attraction for family and friends. Spend a whole day and enjoy the trip. Recommended.

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